Chair Backstool Set of 5 Renaissance Oak English Architectural Velvet Sage Green
A set of exceptionally rare, English, late-Renaissance, oak, architectural, backstools upholstered in a sage green 19th century Renaissance-revival velvet
- The architectural inspired backs on these chairs are striking and they look very dramatic either traditionally, positioned against a wall or arranged around a table - The architectural form suggesting an arch supported by scrollwork pillars is very rare. - The C19 Renaissance-revival velvet is a rare find and very beautiful. - These chairs are sturdy and suitable for regular use.
The open backs architecturally inspired. The central arch with tablets either side, in relief with ebonized punched decoration, and supported by scrollwork columns. The original oak seats have been removed and the chairs upholstered in 19th century, Renaissance-style, green velvet standing on turned legs joined by square front and back stretchers, and double side stretchers. Old re-pegging. Excellent original color and patina.
Measures: Back height 102 cm., 3ft. 4in., seat height 58 cm., 23 in., width 51 cm., 20 in., depth 40 cm., 16 in.,
Long sets of period chairs are very difficult to source. The architecturally inspired backs on these chairs are very striking and they look very dramatic either traditionally, positioned against a wall or arranged around a table. The Renaissance-style velvet is a rare find and very beautiful.
Literature: S. W. Wolsey and R. W. P. Luff, Furniture in England, The Age of the Joiner, London, 1968, fig. 101.
17th Century
circa 1600
Renaissance (Of the period)