An Admiralty yacht off a fortified port by moonlight
Oil on canvas
Peter Monamy (F B Cockett). Monamy was established as the leading London marine painter of the early 18th century, and was at the centre of London artistic life. Monamy was a master at portraying the sea in all its moods, and painted with accuracy and feeling. He collaborated with the celebrated, younger Hogarth, and inspired many artists of the period.
This painting has all the subtle trademark features of Monamy, the' impasto' edge to the billowing clouds, the windvane pennants at a 45 degree angle on the mastheads, and the delicate handling of light and the drooping sails. The composition of a yacht in calm waters near land with either a castle or fort on an adjacent shore, is typical of a work by Monamy.
In contrast to so many seascapes which show agitated seas, ships in distress or in battle, Monamy's paintings are so appealing because of their serenity. Most of Monamy's pictures are in private ownership because they are calm, attractive and easy to live with.
This painting has been re-lined, cleaned and restored where necessary.